Thursday, February 18, 2010

One Year Later...

Nearly a year ago Tim began his uphill climb from the streets of Houston. Tim has been sober for 10 months. After his rehab, Tim reconnected with family and is employed as an Apprentice Machinist. He has his own apartment and now a documentary about his life changing experience.

It is awesome to watch the transformation of one man. He lived on the streets for 5 years as many of us here in the Houston and Katy area drove right past him without even a thought. Thanks to two men, Kevin and Sean Dolan, who took an idea to the streets and changed one man's life forever.

Thanks to all of the donors and volunteers who helped bring all of this to fruition. Without them, this would not have been possible.

I began following this after reading a story in the Chronicle. I became addicted to watching the web cast from the streets. Tim was such a polite, well spoken individual and I was in awe of how this man came to be on the streets, homeless. But as I watched the chatters and followers and donations flood in, I became in awe of those who wanted to help. This is such a heartwarming story and I hope we see many more like it.

Please visit and donate as well as find out more about PTB. With your donations, another life can be saved from the streets. Also, do not forget to rate the video above at


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Amazing Media Attention

CNN did an awesome interview with Tim and the story aired this morning on CNN. They did a fantastic job on the story which you can find at:

The story, all though brief, was very informative about from its beginning to detox with Tim. Tim was interviewed Via Web Cam and you can view the video as well.

Tim looks great and truly is mentally prepared for his uphill journey.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


It is completely amazing at the dedication of Tim's new fans. I was in the chat room at and so many of the fans are preparing to send Tim Birthday cards. They come from all over the world and they too have become addicted to staying up to date with Tim Edwards.

Last week Tim entered Detox at Sunray Treatment and Recovery in Seattle. It has been a tough week for Tim. You can preview some of the updates from the treatment center online at - Pimp This Bum .

Sean is now back in Houston and there will be updates with Tim via You can also watch live when they are online. At the moment there is no set schedule, but Sean has been online with John, a friend of Tims and Tim has been online live.

Yesterday Tim was very jovial and even dancing. Now that he has been in detox, Tim now has begun rehab and we will keep you updated! has had nearly 400,000 hits so Stay Tuned!


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tim Dances

Here is a video of Tim after getting a clean shave and preparing to go off to detox. Dressed up in his new Duds and he dances.. This is truly a Man ready to conquer the world! Tim looks awesome!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tim is off to Rehab!

Wow, Tim's popularity has really grown, has 354,499 hits as of today. When he is on live web-cam, he is getting viewers from all over the world and the live chat is staying busy discussing Tim all day long. It is so awesome to see so many people backing Tim's journey and it is only the beginning.

Tim has been very busy preparing for his stint in rehab. As most of you who are following the story, Sunray Treatment and Recovery have donated to Tim a 5 week rehab package and Tim has accepted it with open arms. He is ready to begin his journey to recovery and regaining some type of normalcy in his life again. Tim left for rehab Tuesday morning (March 10, 2009). Sean has been filming live footage from the treatment facility.

Tim has shaved his head! Anyone who has not seen it, you must log into and watch the video of Tim shaving his beard and hair. He was preparing for his trip. He has a long hard road ahead, but our prayers are with him.

If you have not been to, then you need to head over there now. This is one journey, a live reality, worth following.


Monday, February 23, 2009

A little insight to Tim's life

I have learned a lot more about Tim today that so many people are not aware of. So many people ask how Tim came to live on the streets and if he has family. Here are some insights that might help people understand Tim's situation more.

Tim graduated in Oklahoma and attended 2 years of college. About 7 years ago, Tim's Mother and Grandmother were killed and depression began to set in on Tim. His life became a downward spiral into drugs and alcohol and all though he has kicked the drug habit, he is an alcoholic. Due to Tim's alcoholism, he was unable to keep his jobs and about 4 and a half years ago, found himself homeless.

Tim has a brother, which I mentioned in the first post. His name is Stephen James Edwards and is in California somewhere. He has not seen his brother in 7 years.

Tim is going to go to a recovery center in Seattle and the Dolans will help him with counseling and more once he has completed his 5 week recovery in Seattle. Tim is eager to get back on his feet and willing to do what is necessary to get there. I want to thank the Dolan's for everything they are doing. If they can change just one life, it makes a difference in this world.

Tim, I wish you all the best and my prayers are with you!

~~ Rowdy~~

P.S. Site has 73, 618 hits since February 17, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Tim's getting job offers!

As of yesterday, Sean was reporting that Tim ( has had several job offers as well as those who have offered him a place to stay. One person offering him a place to stay is asking that someone split the cost with them. I think that it is awesome to see people coming together. A very nice gentleman took Tim fried chicken for lunch yesterday and the live chat was buzzing.

Tim opened up a little more last night discussing why he is on the streets. He is opening up more and people are getting to know a tad more about this guy. I think Sean and Kevin made a great choice when choosing Tim.

The website has over 50,000 hits since February 17th! Tim has been interviewed on national news, radio and newspapers all over the U.S. It is amazing. We are all seeing him on our local news nearly every day. However, it has drawn attention from the police. Yesterday the City of Houston Police gave him a warning. So he had to move locations and I am not sure where he is going to be this morning. But I will be watching for him to appear on his pimpthisbum-Cam.

Don't forget to stop by and see Tim at! Interesting story!
